If you want to have an accurate overview of the value of your cards or the marketplace, the UCHelper is exactly the right Ultimate Champions tool. The UCHelper shows you not only all relevant game data of your player, but also the real market value and the contract duration. In addition, you can see the current lowest market price, the last sale and the cheapest sale.
Similar to SORARE, estimating the value of player cards is relatively difficult. Therefore we have made it our task to make the Ultimate Champions marketplace more transparent. Similar to SORAREDATA, the UCHelper gives you all the relevant data to better estimate the market prices of the players.
Everything at a glance. With the UC Player Overview you not only see the performance of the player over the last 40 matches, but also the average price of the last 5 sales of all rarities on the marketplace and the current best offer. You can see directly his role in the team and if he is available for the next match.